Sunday Club
The Sunday Club is a happy and lively group of children, aged from 3 - 14. We meet during Sunday worship throughout the year. If you enjoy making things, learning new songs, hearing Bible stories, drama, games and making new friends – come and join us!
If you want to know more, please email us at sundayclub@bstmchurch.org.uk or come along any Sunday.

Messy Church
Messy Church is for children from pram to P7 and is based on creativity, hospitality and celebration. We normally meet on the first Saturday of the month from 11am to 1pm. All are welcome to come along with an adult, to enjoy games, crafts, a story and a simple lunch. Why not bring a friend too?
To confirm dates please check our events calendar, or for more information please email Jan Allan at messychurch@bstmchurch.org.uk.